Update: Please see below for official air quality results.
Final “F” Building Air Quality/PCBs Report
Map of “F” Building Air Quality/PCB Tests
September 9, 2020
Dear BHS, BTC, and OnTop Staff, Parents, and Community,
Due to preliminary air quality results in the F Building of the BHS/BTC campus, there will be no school on Thursday or Friday at BHS, BTC, or OnTop. Beginning Monday, September 14th, all classes at BHS, BTC, and OnTop will move to remote only until at least Friday, September 18th. This will not impact students at the Horizons program.
Last week we communicated that as part of our BHS/BTC ReEnvisioning project we would be testing air quality throughout the BHS/BTC campus for PCBs and other hazardous materials. We received information from our consultants today that preliminary results for F Building are showing levels higher than the EPA recommendation.
While we are waiting for the official results from F Building and the full results from the rest of the BHS campus, out of an abundance of caution, we are choosing to move to virtual learning at the BHS campus until we know more. We expect complete results from F Building tomorrow and complete results from A-E Buildings early next week. We will share official results with you when we have them and will post them on our website.
Again, there will be NO school in any capacity for BHS, BTC, or OnTop until Monday, September 14th. Monday the 14th will be the first day of school for students and learning will happen virtually through at least Friday, the 18th. BHS, BTC, and OnTop Principals and Directors will be in touch with families with more information.
Below you will find a fact sheet regarding PCBs and phone numbers to contact if you have questions.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility. I am sorry to have to relay this message as I know everyone was looking forward to being back in-person to start the year. We are committed to continuing to engage and communicate with you as we get more information.
Superintendent Flanagan
PCB Fact Sheets:
Arabic | Burmese | Chinese
Kirundi | Nepali | Somali