In August 2021, Superintendent Flanagan launched the Burlington Strategic Planning Coalition to co-create a plan with the community to guide the District’s work for the next five years. BSD leaders took a radically inclusive approach to building the membership of the coalition; we directly appointed key members, created an open application process, and did outreach to a random selection of Burlingtonians. This Coalition committed to co-creation, which brings stakeholders into the process of creating the plans and strategies that will create change.
In December, the Coalition ratified the five-year strategic plan.
Goal Statement
Burlington School District will be student-centered and responsive to the full range of identities, abilities, cultures, and languages in our community, such that every student is challenged, empowered, and engaged in their learning throughout their time in our schools.
Priority Areas
- Belonging and Well-Being
- Deeper Learning for Every Student
- Reimagined High School
- Educators Who Look Like Our Students
- Relationship-Based Communities through Restorative Practices
Priority Area 1
- 90% of students and staff say they belong and that their wellbeing is supported at their schools.
- Decrease in the disparity between students on IEPs and students not on IEPs.
- Increase in the percentage of families that feel they belong in our district.
- Decrease in chronic absenteeism for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.
Priority Area 2
- Increase in overall proficiency and decrease in the disparity in math and reading proficiency
- (based on free and reduced lunch status) in grades 3, 8, and 11.
- 90% of students say they are regularly challenged, empowered, and engaged in learning.
- Decrease in the disparity in responses with students who have IEPs.
- Decrease in the disparity of responses with students of the Global Majority.
- 90% of students say their identity, ability, language and culture is cultivated, promoted, and celebrated.
- Notable decrease in chronic absenteeism.
Priority Area 3
- 90% of graduates are enrolled in post-secondary school or training; or are employed.
- High school students report that they are provided with the experiences that are challenging, engaging, and empowering (which are needed to help them meet their goals).
- Build a high school and technical center that supports deeper learning by August 2025.
- Increase in the percentage of students of the Global Majority who are enrolled in:
- Challenging, engaging course work.
- AP, Honors, and dual enrollment courses.
- Eliminate disparities by race in high school math courses.
Priority Area 4
- Increase the percentage of faculty (teachers and principals) of the global majority each year and ensure every school has multiple staff of the global majority.
- Increase percentage of staff of the global majority who say they feel they belong in their school and in our district.
- Increase percentage of students of the global majority who say they see educators who look like them.
Priority Area 5
- Increase in percentage of students, staff, and families who report feeling that they are treated fairly, respected, able to work better with peers, self-regulate, and have opportunities to repair harm.
- Eliminate disparities by race, for students with IEPs, and for students receiving free/reduced lunch in suspension and office discipline referrals.
- Reduce suspensions and office discipline referrals overall by 50% by the end of the 2022-2023 school year, and by 90% in five years.
We will be successful in these priority areas if:
- We begin with what students need in order to belong and thrive.
- We partner with students, families, and community to co-create the conditions for deeper learning.
- We build strong relationships with students, families, and educators to understand and respond to their needs.
- We make a concerted effort to ensure that people from all backgrounds feel like they belong.
- We create disciplined plans with accountability and transparency.
- We practice honest and forgiving reflection in service of learning.
- We keep student engagement and learning at the heart of our decisions.