The Complexity of our School District
Looking Back on the 2022-23 School Year
High Population and City Dynamic
According to our records, the Burlington School District currently has 3263 students enrolled. This compares to 2847 in South Burlington and 870 in Winooski (AOE Enrollment Reports).
BSD’s Six-Year Cohort Graduation Rate is 78.3% and the four-year rate is 84.2%. Vermont’s Four-Year Cohort Graduation rate is 83%.
We have 1634 students, or 50% of our students, who are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Currently, with a population of 930, at Burlington High School we have 47% of students eligible.
English Language Learning
38 different languages other than English are represented within our District.
485 students (15.0%) receive services as English Learners (EL); BSD refers to students who are learning English as Multilingual Learners.
Multilingual students often arrive at different times throughout the year, sometimes causing students to enroll late in the school year, adding greater complexity to meeting the needs of this population.
Student Supports
21% of students have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Approximately 195 students with disabilities were accommodated with Section 504 Plans, and approximately 91 students with disabilities ages three to five received Early Education services in our District-based programs and through our community partnerships.
Our Spending Based on Needs