It is time to prepare for the 2018-19 school year! We need to gather accurate information about each student and family in our schools. It is very important we have this information to ensure the safety of all students, fulfill state requirements, receive State and Federal funding, and communicate important messages to families.
The District requires that all student information be updated for the 2018-19 school year using our online system, PowerSchool. All families must use their PowerSchool account to update information and complete the yearly mandated forms, including: Field Trip, Media Permission, Dismissal, Health forms (and Lunch forms, if applicable). Student information can only be updated online by families; it cannot be updated by your school or the District. Please do this during the next few weeks by following the steps below.
NOTE: If student information is not updated by Tuesday, September 4th (the fourth day of school) that student will not be allowed to attend school until their update is complete. If a student without updated information comes to school on September 4th he/she will be sent home.
Here follow the instructions below to complete the Annual Student Update Form or fill out the Free and Reduced Meals Application.
Many of you already have a PowerSchool account connected to your students; you can update your student information on your own. Follow the steps below to do so.
To update your students’ information on your own, please follow the steps below.
Step 1. Go to the PowerSchool Parent Portal at https://psapp.bsdvt.org/
or visit the district web page at www.bsdvt.org then click on the PowerSchool link in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 2. If you already have an account, skip to Step 3. If you don’t have an account, create one by clicking on Create Account and follow the steps. You will need an email address in order to do this. Once your account is created, log in by using your username and password that you just created.
Step 3. Connect to your students by doing one of the following steps:
a) If your student’s name is shown on the bar in the upper left corner, click on the student’s name then click the 18-19 Student Update Form and complete the information. Once you finish with this student, move on to the next student. All students must be updated one at a time.
b) If your child’s name doesn’t appear, click on Account Preferences, then click on Students. Enter your student’s name, your access ID and access password. Then select your relationship to your student through the Relationship drop down. Once your student is added to your account, click on 18-19 Student Update form and complete all information. All students must be updated one at a time.
c) Click Submit when you are finished with the update form.
d) You are now on the confirmation page. If your child attends Champlain, Edmunds Elementary or Middle School, or Burlington High School, or the Burlington Tech Center, PLEASE click on the Apply Now link to apply for free or reduced lunch.
Come to or call your student’s school during the school day and ask for help there.
Come to our Central Office location at 150 Colchester Ave.
The Free and Reduced Meals Application should only be filled out for students attending:
Burlington High School
Burlington Technical Center
Champlain Elementary
Edmunds Elementary
Edmunds Middle
Click here to fill out the Free and Reduced Meals Application