The BSD Equity Collaborative is a rebranding of the Restorative Practices Collaborative (RPC) and is focused on a broader vision of equity and antiracist work. This work centers students and leverages youth-adult partnership models with students from the Summer Racial Justice Academy as permanent members of the team. There are representatives from every school on the collaborative and permanent student members who co-facilitate the work.
The goals of the Equity Collaborative are to:
- Create a thriving community where members are seen as equity champions and beacons of this work
- Identify bright spots across district
- See ways that equity work is infused in schools
- Create a working model of youth-adult partnership
- Work with youth to follow through with Racial Justice Academy recommendations
Meeting Goals: Preview the content of our meetings below to learn more about this important work!
Equity Collaborative 10/17/2024 Youth-Adult Partnership The first meeting of the Equity Collaborative was entirely youth-led and focused on using values to set group agreements and training the adults in the do’s and don’ts of youth-adult partnership.
Equity Collaborative 11/21/2024 Racial Justice Academy Recommendations The second meeting focused on orienting the collaborative to the recommendations from the Racial Justice Academy over the past years. We started with looking back at the first three years of the academy and worked in groups to rate the progress of the school district. We noticed that the recommendations generally fell under the broad themes of Staff Accountability, Restorative Practices, Mental Health and Well Being and Systems. Then we started to do a deeper dive into the recommendations from year 4 starting by previewing the student capstone presentations.
December Equity Collaborative was student led and featured a deep dive into the recommendation of Youth Leadership. Special guest students Bella Listi and Debba Beynnon presented their Racial Justice Academy capstone presentation which recommended expanding youth leadership clubs in middle schools. This was followed up by some horizontal action planning that split the groups into PreK, elementary, middle, high and district level to consider where youth leadership is celebrated and where it could be expanded.
January Equity Collaborative focused on Physical and Emotional Safety. Action groups broke into four categories: violence, drug use, mental health and sense of belonging and brainstormed a problem statement and three possible solutions to each problem. Then there was a “dot-mocracy” process by which everyone voted on one solution from each of these areas.