Day to day operations of Burlington School District are overseen by Superintendent Tom Flanagan, who reports directly to the Board of School Commissioners.
The Superintendent meets twice a month with Cabinet members who provide input and decision making on District goals, initiatives, and actions. BSD’s strategic plan, goals, and shared values of equity, engagement, and deep learning drive all decisions.
Twice a month the superintendent and all principals, department directors, and other district leaders meet to review District initiatives and offerings. With equity at the focus of all of decision-making, the group seeks to work together to break down school/department silos and take a system-wide approach to thinking and action. The group is made up of:
Barry Gruessner, Grants Director
Bobby Riley, Director of Alternative Ed.
Bonnie Ryder, Central Office
Bonnie Johnson-Aten, Executive Director of School Leadership
Deb Beaupre, Principal of Burlington High School
Emma Membrino, Program Director, Expanded Learning
Karyn Vogel, Information Technology
Laura La Vacca , Director of Food Service
John Oliver, Principal of Edmunds Middle School
Jason Reed, Director of Burlington Technical Center
Joe Resteghini, Principal of Champlain Elementary
Kelly Klausen, Executive Director of Student Support Services
Kolby Snellenberger, Edmunds Elementary School
Len Phelan, Principal of C.P. Smith Elementary
Lyall Smith, Director of Property Services
Mattie Scheidt, Principal of the Integrated Arts Academy
Melanee Alexander, Principal of Hunt Middle School
Michelle Meola, Director of HR
Miriam Ehtesham-Cating, Director of Programs for Multilingual Learners
Nathan Lavery, Director of Finance
Nikki Ellis, Principal of Flynn Elementary
Nina Oropeza, Principal, Sustainability Academy
Quaron Pinckney, Director of Athletics
Russ Elek, Communication Specialist
Sparks, Director of Equity
Stacie Curtis, Director of Early Education
Stephanie Phillips, Executive Director of Curriculum
Tom Flanagan, Superintendent
Victor Prussack, Community Engagement Coordinator
Office of Equity
The District Office of Equity provides leadership around issues of equity, including the full implementation of Restorative Practices, Hazing Harassment and Bullying Investigation and Prevention, Anti-Racist Education and Culturally Responsive Curriculum. The Office of Equity team includes:
Autumn Bangoura, Equity Instructional Leader
Charity Lee-Wright, Administrative Coordinator
Mika Moore, District Restorative Practices Coordinator
Sparks, Director of Equity
Teresa Giallorenzo, HHB Investigations Coordinator
Restorative Practices
There are a number of different teams engaged in ensuring that RP is fully implemented throughout BSD. Visit the RP website to learn more!
Climate Team
Mission: BSD’s Climate Team meets monthly to discuss and implement strategies and tactics to improve District climate. Want to be involved? Send us an email today!
Maria Castine, Early Ed Paraeducator
Miriam Ehtesham-Cating, Administrator/Executive Council
Russ Elek, Central Office
Bobby Riley, Principal
Sparks, Central Office
District Safety Team
The District Safety Team meets each month to discuss issues of physical safety in Burlington School District and how to be best prepared to react to or anticipate issues of safety and security.
Members of the team include all principals and representation from all BSD departments. If you’re interested in learning more or bringing an issue to the team to discuss or review, please contact: Sparks, BSD Director of Equity, via email or at extension 23208