The Restorative Practices Collaborative merges the BSD Equity Council, Designated Employees, and Restorative Practitioners in order to align our work with BSD Goals.
Restorative Practices Collaborative Vision and Purpose:
The RP Collaborative is a group of BSD professionals dedicated to narrowing the achievement gap for students and improving the culture within the District for students, teachers, and faculty through the use of intentional community and relationship-building restorative practices. The RP Collaborative provides the training, tools, support, and learning community required to produce meaningful outcomes related to improving students’ sense of belonging and success is school life, reducing out-of-school suspensions, and reducing absenteeism.
Through extensive data review, the District realized that a disproportionate number of suspensions and absentees were students with special needs and students of color and/or experiencing poverty. Students must be engaged and in class to narrow the achievement gap. The achievement gap cannot be addressed until the District creates a culture of Restorative Practices district-wide.
The RP Collaborative aims to help the District move toward addressing school climate, equity, culture, and behavior issues in a holistic, consistent way that is grounded in work that has shown to strengthen relationships and create a culture of equity and belonging that results in healing and learning.